Establishing Professional Boundaries with Colleagues

Gretchen Schultek Bridgers 2023-11-20 09:00:42

Professional boundaries allow colleagues to work effectively together with limited personal conflict. This means that colleagues can be friendly without being friends so that personal disagreements do not distract from the completion of work.

This blog post will discuss examples of professional boundaries and specific tips for how teachers and teacher leaders can navigate the creation of these boundaries.

Examples of Professional Boundaries

There are physical, mental, emotional, and social boundaries to consider.

Professional Boundaries for Teachers

Teachers will need to set professional boundaries when working with other teachers. There will be colleagues who they are friends with and others whom they are not. Regardless, professional boundaries allow the work environment to remain cordial and productive.

Tips for establishing professional boundaries with colleagues as a teacher are:

Professional Boundaries for Teacher Leaders

Teacher leaders (instructional coaches, PD facilitators, specialists, mentors, etc.) will need to set professional boundaries when working with teachers they support. Although they are not an administrator, they do have leadership duties to fulfill. Leading your peers can be uncomfortable if you are friends with these colleagues, so setting boundaries ensures you can be cordial with peers but also complete leadership duties.

Tips for establishing professional boundaries as a teacher leader are:

No matter your role in education, it is important to set and respect boundaries. This decreases unwanted stress and frustration while at work, allowing you to do the best you can as an educator.

How do you establish boundaries in your role?
