Vicki Davis is a teacher who has been teaching middle and high school students since 2002. She has also been coaching other teachers on instructional technology. In addition to teaching in the classroom, she has been blogging, podcasting, and sharing on social media since the mid-2000s. She has created several podcasts, including "Women of Web 2.0" and "Every Classroom Matters", and most recently, the "10 Minute Teacher Podcast".
Vicki is now launching a new project called "Cool Cat Teacher Talk", which will be a radio, TV, and podcast show that covers a single topic in depth, including research, interviews, best practices, and teacher opinions. The first episode will air on FM radio in Atlanta on WDJY 99.1 at 4 pm tomorrow, and the video version will be available on her YouTube channel the following Wednesday. The podcast version will also be available wherever you listen to podcasts starting next month.
Each episode of "Cool Cat Teacher Talk" will focus on one specific topic, such as Artificial Intelligence in education, school safety, student engagement, reading instruction, and math instruction. Vicki has sought advice from educators, parents, and friends to ensure the shows are helpful and accurate. She has also done extensive research, read books and studies, and interviewed relevant experts to create the content.
Vicki's goal is to create "evergreen content" that will be helpful to educators not just now, but for years to come. She believes that teachers matter, and that by supporting and encouraging teachers, she can ultimately help students. She is excited about this new project and hopes it will add even more value to classrooms and schools.